Burnt Coffee for the Soul

Is Burnt Coffee Bad for the Soul?

Burnt Coffee, I know what you’re thinking… Enough with the: “Starbucks Mania – I gotta have my latte perfect so I can Instagram the foam heart on top, bullshit!” Relax, that’s not where I’m going… Stay with me. The much more relevant idea beneath the seemingly forced existentialism in my original question is this idea. If we could begin to discern our likes and dislikes down to the minutest detail; and not punish ourselves for them. Are we in indirectly feeding our productivity (not taking away from it) by feeding our happiness?

I can’t speak for everyone, but I assume there have to be others out there like me. Those who, self punishes or bad talk themselves when they gravitate towards a preference “they can do without”. This could be a particular brand of coffee, a T.V. show that is a guilty pleasure. A daily ritual, an exercise regiment, a meal, a possession, etc. Anything that sets the alarm off on this inner voice. The voice that says, “You don’t have to have this exactly like that; you’re being ridiculous”. For me, the times I have found myself getting “attached”. Attached to a certain person, place, or thing, my inner voice begins rattling off a barrage of familiar negative talk:

“You’re getting Complacent”

“First World Problems”

“This is a frill you don’t need”

“You’re Getting Soft”.

The truth is, there are endless things in our lives we “could do without”. In fact, if we began to make a list; we would find that we could probably do without most things in our lives. But why? There are a few things that are essential to our survival. And more importantly, will ridding ourselves of these so-called preferences or frills benefit us, or make things unnecessary more difficult?

As I was making my coffee this morning I took a sip and felt the need to proclaim; as if for the first time, “No. This coffee is shit!” If anyone was watching, it would have been a pretty funny sight to see this man talking to the air. But the, “NO” was directed at my inner voice that kept telling me, “you’re being picky”. Not only did I realize I wasn’t. I also realized that coffee not only tasted bad. Forcing myself to drink it, was probably having the adverse effect I had hoped for – to start my morning right. That’s when it hit me.

“Such is the case with this shitty coffee I have been forcing myself to drink.”

Burnt coffee is not only bad for your taste buds but bad for your soul. Often times these “frills” or “special preferences” satisfy a part of our spirit. A part that makes us happy. From that tiny little fad kid trigger, we can take on our day. Take it on with a mightier and more resolute outlook, simply because we feel a little better. Think of it as choosing to wake up to a hammer breaking glass instead of the sound of running water. No one would accuse you of “getting soft” or “being picky” because you have a preference. Because you choose not to be pissed off the second you open your eyes. Such is the case with this shitty coffee I have been forcing myself to drink. No more.

only we can decide what things put us in that space

I have a friend who’s been hit with some really tough times lately. And by tough I mean the type of career, relationship backhand to the face that will often pummel you into the earth and question whether that pot of gold at the end of that “RAIN-bow” exists. Despite these paralyzing circumstances he seems to make decisions that reflect the life of someone who is in a much better position. He has not let go of his preferences for the “finer things” and these choices trickle down to his food choice, restaurant choice, the car he’s driving, and clothing style.

Furthermore, I have another friend that is frustrated by this because he knows the situation and burden on the shoulders of our mutual friend, however, he feels that he needs to make certain changes and alter his way of living to reflect that he is not in the position he once was. To both their credit, I believe there is a happy medium. On the one hand, my concerned friend has a point that when circumstances change, we need to adjust and live within our means and make some changes.

On the other hand, there is something to be said about keeping your spirit on a positive tilt, and no one can define what things you need in your life to do that, but you. For some it’s a ritual, for some the feeling of driving a nice car keeps your mojo able to push through and feel the way you need to, so you can kick ass. For others, it’s staying in good shape.

This is the essence of human nature

The most important thing to remember is, only we can decide what things put us in that space to have a greater hope. This is the essence of human nature – that fundamental hope: The hope that there is a greater purpose, the hope that there is a higher power, the hope that we will find love again, the hope that our circumstances get better, the hope that we will climb out of the hole we’re in. And no one can define that for you…

And if somehow having a good cup of coffee is one of your “non-negotiables” for helping you feel better and having more “umph” to get after that Hope – then Damn it, throw that Old Keurig away and treat yourself to some good beans (talking to self lol)…

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