How many of us have felt misunderstood?

How many of us have felt misunderstood throughout our lives?

Well, I know, not many understand me and it used to bother me quite a bit, being misunderstood is something I’ve learned to embrace. I know I am not everyone’s cup of tea, and baby, that’s all gravy in my book. If everyone likes you, you’re simply people pleasing and doing a big disservice to yourself and your essence.

I look up a lot now, once upon a time I only looked down. I became a prisoner of my own mind and allowed others to hold power over me. Throughout my life and experience I’ve been called all kinds of things and names from friends and family. I’ve been outcasted and looked at as the “Black Sheep ” all because I started to wake up to the reality we live in and I couldn’t follow suit and conform. I’ll never fold and I will never surrender.

You see, the thing is that, I’ve never really been one to accept doing one thing and because of that I’ve been misunderstood plenty of times. I don’t accept the limitations others try or attempt to place on me. If we were to actually listen to all the things others tell us we CAN’T do, we would never do anything.

From the time we are children, we are programmed to follow society’s standards of what is right or what is wrong. We are robbed off our innate ability to explore and create, because our parents were conditioned to follow the rules of society when it comes to living in the world as we know it.

Most of us looked up to our parents for guidance and to reward us if we did things “the right way” simply put, we have been domesticated to follow “the rules” if we did things right, we were rewarded, if we didn’t- we were punished and sometimes even attacked for not following these so called made up rules.

Learning to unlearn everything we were taught as children comes with a lot of work, it is the stripping away of our “Identity” and relearning how to train our minds, body and spirit to do what we came here to do, before the world told us who and what we needed to be and or become.

The acceptance of being misunderstood is all part of the process we must go through when unbecoming all the things we were told we needed to be. Acknowledging and self awareness comes in very handy when you start the shift of finding your own voice and who you really are. We become so accustomed to living inauthentically that when we agree it is finally time to take off the mask, we end up having a major identity crisis as well as thoughts of self doubt.

There’s a quote that says “ It’s a lonely road to the top” and perhaps, yes, it is lonely but, I will always rather be fully myself and have dominion over who I am, than fall short on my purpose just to be understood by a society that can’t even understand themselves, because they themselves don’t really know who they are. Take this as a reminder or a message, No one is you, and that is what makes you a uniquely powerful being.

If you want to live a truly authentic life, live life for you. Not for what your parents want you to be, study what you want, love who you want, respect yourself enough to know when something is and isn’t for you. Don’t allow yourself to stay “stuck” in a place because you feel there isn’t anything better. Trust that your soul will lead and guide you in the right direction. Be a misfit and forget about what society may think of you, I’m rooting for you to become the most authentic version of yourself… You are never alone!


  • So perfectly and truly said! Messages like these are power. The fuel igniting the flames within!

    • Thank you so much. I am very happy to know the message resonates and you find the power in the words.


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