The Backwards Law of Goal Setting: Embracing Meaning over Happiness

Person reflecting on goals and finding meaning in life through contemplation and inner fulfillment.

Setting goals and creating plans for the future can be a daunting task, even for those who genuinely desire to achieve their aspirations. This is a common struggle that many individuals face, and the reasons for this complexity are rooted in our unique perspectives, thoughts, and life paths. While there’s no single approach to navigating goal setting and planning, there are valuable insights that can guide us towards the right direction.

What I want to delve into is the concept of meaning. What significance do our goals hold? Whether it’s accomplishing a particular task, taking a dream vacation, passing a challenging course, or saving for the future, what intrinsic value do these aspirations bring to our lives?

The pursuit of happiness is often cited as the primary motivation behind goals, but happiness is a fleeting emotion that can be elusive. This idea is aptly captured by Professor Alan Watts’ concept of “The Backwards Law,” also known as “The Law of Reversed Effort” by Aldous Huxley. Simply put, “The Backwards Law” states that the harder you try to achieve something, the less likely you are to succeed. When applied to the pursuit of happiness, the Law of Attraction suggests that seeking happiness externally only reinforces the belief that you lack it within yourself. Therefore, the more you chase after happiness, the more you project an inner lack, perpetuating a cycle of unhappiness.

Instead of chasing fleeting moments of happiness, we should focus on cultivating contentment and inner fulfillment. This can be achieved by aligning our goals with our values and actively engaging in activities that bring us genuine joy and satisfaction, regardless of external circumstances. By embracing this mindful approach, we can foster a deeper sense of meaning and purpose in our lives.

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